Atatürk'le Çocukluğum Anı, Biyografi. Snmez bu afaklarda yzen al sancak; Snmeden yurdumun stnde tten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yldzdr, parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Kahraman rkma bir gl Ne bu iddet, bu cell? Sana Merit Poker Winterfest 2015 dklen kanlarmz sonra hell Hakkdr, Hakka tapan, milletimin istikll. It is my nations star, shining forever, It is my nations star, and it is mine. Frown not, fair crescent, for I am ready Merit Poker Winterfest 2015 die for you, Smile now upon my heroic nation, leave this anger Lest the blood shed for thee be unblessed. Freedom is my nations right, Freedom for us who worship God. Little lk, Hey! Bir gn, istikll ve cumhuriyeti mdafaa mecburiyetine dersen, vazifeye atlmak iin, iinde bulunacan vaziyetin imkn ve eraitini dnmeyeceksin! Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatann, btn kaleleri zaptedilmi, btn tersanelerine girilmi, btn ordular dagtlm ve memleketin her kesi bilfiil igal edilmi olabilir. Btn bu eraitten daha elim ve daha vahim olmak zere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dallet ve hatt hiyanet iinde bulunabilirler. Millet, fakr zaruret iinde harap ve btap dm olabilir. Ey Trk istikbalinin evld! Your primary duty is forever to preserve and defend the Turkish Independence and the Turkish Republic. In the future, too, there may be malovent people at home and abroad who will wish to deprive you of this treasure. If some day, you are compelled to defend your independence and the Republic, you must not tarry to weigh the possibilities and circumstances of the situation before talking up your duty. The enemies conspiring against your independence and your Republic may have won a victory unprecedented in Merit Poker Winterfest 2015 history of the world. It may be that, by violence and ruse, all the fortresses of your beloved fatherland may have been captured, all its shipyards occupied, all its armies disbanded and every part of the country invaded. And sadder and graver than all these circumstances, those who are in power within the country may be heedless, erroneous and may even betray their country, furthermore, they may associate their personal interests with the political aspirations of the invaders. The country may be impoverished, ruined and exhausted. Turkish youth of the future! Even in such circumstances, it is your duty to preserve the independence and the Republic. Note: This Address was the conclusion of a Bir gn bamszlm ve Cumhuriyetimi savunmak zorunda kalrsam, greve atlmak iin, iinde bulunacam durumun imkan ve artlarn dnmeyeceim. Bamszlma ve Cumhuriyetime kastedecek dmanlar, btn dnyada benzeri grlmemi bir yenilginin temsilcisi olabilirler. Zorla ve hile ile aziz vatann btn kaleleri zaptedilmi, btn tersanelerine girilmi, btn ordular datlm ve lkenin her kesi dorudan doruya dman ynetimi altna girmi olabilir. Btn bu artlardan daha elem verici ve daha kt olmak zere, lke iindeki yneticiler, gaflete dm, doru yoldan sapm ve hatta hyanet iinde bulunabilirler. Hatta yneticiler kendi yararlarn, yurdu ele geirmi olan dmanlarn siyasi emelleriyle birletirebilirler. One day in the future, there will be those both in the country Merit Poker Winterfest 2015 abroad who will wish evil upon us and are going to try to deprive us of this treasure. If one day, we shall have to defend our independence and the Republic, we shall not hesitate a moment and disregard the possibilities and conditions of the situation, however unsuitable they may be, we shall be faced with when assigned this duty. Enemies who have designs against our independence and Republic may be the representative of a defeat, the kind of which has never been seen in the world before. We may find that all the fortresses of the sacred motherland have been seized by force or deception, all the shipyards taken over, all the armies dispersed and the administration of the entire nation has been taken over directly by the enemy. To make matters even more catastrophic, the nations administrators may have become unaware, strayed from the correct path and may even be involved with treason. In fact, these same administrators may even collaborate with the political ambitions of our enemies who have captured the country. Well, our duty under all these conditions and situations is to save Turkish independence and the Republic.
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