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Great Poker Books To Read Readers who enjoyed

The experience prompted him to write his first book, Liar's Poker (). Fourteen years later, Lewis wrote Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game. Beyond statistics, beyond whether to raise, call, or fold, Elements of Poker reveals a new world of profitability for your bankroll and your life.

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Shop this series. Rate this book. Yalancının Pokeri. Michael LewisNeşenur Domaniç Translator. New York'ta Stajyer olarak işe başlayan Lewis,izleyen üç yıl içinde Londra'da tahvil satıcılığına yükseldi ve şirket adına milyonların peşinde koşarken,modern zamanların altında hücum dönemini para kazandırma Great Poker Books To Read dönüştürdü. Yalancının Pokeri o çarpıcı çılgın yılların doruğuna çıkıyor ve sahne arkasında Amerikan iş dünyasının özgün ve fırtınalı görünümü yer alıyor. Loading interface About the author. Michael Lewis 41 books Michael Monroe Lewis is an American author and financial journalist. He has also been a contributing editor to Vanity Fair sincewriting mostly on business, finance, and economics. He is known for his nonfiction work, particularly his coverage of financial crises and behavioral finance. Lewis was born in New Orleans and attended Princeton University, from which he graduated with a degree in art history. After attending the London School of Economics, he began a career on Wall Street during the s as a bond salesman at Salomon Brothers. The experience prompted him to write his first book, Liar's Poker The film adaptation of Moneyball was released infollowed by The Big Short in Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search Great Poker Books To Read text. Displaying 1 - 30 of 3, reviews. Petra is wondering when this dawn will beome day. Update On Tuesday, March 1,I got a call, my banker that sounds weird, I'm not sure of the term, but the guy who looks after my account resigned from Morgan Stanley. He said they wanted to put the commission and charges clients pay up too much and that it has become Corruption Central. He says he'll phone me when he finds a new company. Does anything change? My son who is in his last year at law school has a job already with Goldman Sachs. Is he going to become very rich and very corrupt? Will I care as much when it is my son and not my money? What results is either extreme wealth and satisfaction - probably quite a few of these people are psychopaths or guilt and a change in career, or they become just like the American Psychoa rather fun fictional book on the ultimate psycho on Wall Street. The book is highly recommended for lots of open-mouthed, "geez, people act like that", say things like that moments and because Michael Lewis, as always, knows his subject well and writes about it in a very entertaining and non-dry way. Great read. The author quite obviously dislikes and has nothing but contempt for the banking industry - he resigned from Salomon Brothers to write this book but at the time was still married to Diana de Cordova, an investment banker with Morgan Stanley.

Great Poker Books To Read

Yalancının Pokeri by Michael Lewis | Goodreads 73,29 TL. American Classics Simplified and Adapted For Greater Reading Pleasure By Robert Dixson Book 5 / Bret Harte's Outcast Of Poker Flat - Luck Of Roaring Camp. Yayınevi: Guava Books. Poker for Beginners: Learn to Play Texas Hold'Em Like a Pro with Time-Tested Tips and Tricks. Yazar: Michael Hansen. Readers who enjoyed The Mixtape

O conteúdo sobre o jogo em si é ótimo, com linguagem bem acessível e simples mas em inglês, é claro. While this is probably Michael Lewis's most famous book, it is not my favorite. What results is either extreme wealth and satisfaction - probably quite a few of these people are psychopaths or guilt and a change in career, or they become just like the American Psycho , a rather fun fictional book on the ultimate psycho on Wall Street. It is also thought provoking how laws enacted by the government can drive a whole industry. There were a record number of entries - 5,

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Son zamanlarda okuduğum en iyi kitaplardan biri pazarlık konusu hakkındadır. Yayınevi: Guava Books. One of the best books I have read recently dealt with the topic of trading. Yazar: Michael Hansen. 73,29 TL. American Classics Simplified and Adapted For Greater Reading Pleasure By Robert Dixson Book 5 / Bret Harte's Outcast Of Poker Flat - Luck Of Roaring Camp. From New York Times bestselling author Kristen Callihan comes a charming, emotional romance about redefining dreams and discovering unlikely love along the way. Poker for Beginners: Learn to Play Texas Hold'Em Like a Pro with Time-Tested Tips and Tricks.

Said market would eventually grow and mutate into the cacophony of fraud and greed that underpinned the financial crisis. Instead, the streak torrent of self-interest and entitlement harbored by all these individuals left an acrid taste in my mouth, only made less pungent by Lewis's natural humor, sarcasm, and self-deprecation. Baskı Uzunluğu. Wry observations. I mean, why else would someone have a child so you… More. Michael Lewis is a brilliant writer. Billed as an expose of Wall Street greed, I found it more to be a story of incompetent management and political infighting by conceited executives who found themselves successful by being in the right place at the right time, but think themselves as geniuses. He steps away from the tales of towel-slapping long enough to give a detailed history of the rise of mortgage trading at Salomon Brothers and how Salomon management allowed hegemony to slip through their fingers. Cheated on, betrayed, exposed. The Mixtape by Brittainy C. The era Michael Lewis illustrates here didn't die or collapse at the end of the 80s, it has continued and if anything has become more extreme to the present day. Ürün Açıklaması. Much of them twenty-something-year-olds, poised as if on top of the world with a humanitarian streak nowhere to be found. Self-made millionaires from all over the globe exist solely because of their ability to play poker like pros. Ezekiel Green is ready to make a fresh start in a new city after the divorce from his high school sweetheart. Tüm Formatlar 1 Adet. The most money-hungry industry, probably. Liar's Poker is a book about the days that Michael Lewis spent at Solomon Brothers as a Bond broker during the bond boom that took place starting in the 80's. A lot had changed including my outlook on financial instruments I don't understand , investment bankers have money don't have a life and even the concept of money an illusion. It is amazing to realize that institutional investors like pension funds and trusts make multi-billion dollar investments in some of these bonds which turn out to be little more than a speculative gambles of varying levels of risk. Here, you can see the disaster the one, not just the stock market crash in in the making: absurdly irresponsible and profligate management while opportunistic ignorance and greed remained supreme. No moral judgement of good or bad here, just an observation of a given point in history. They contain a big ammount of essential information in order to develop your game to a much higher level. One Percent of You by Michelle Gross. Shelve Somebody's Wife. Değer verdiği ve sevdiği tek şey ise gözbebeği olan İnf… More. Diğer ülkelerden en iyi değerlendirmeler.

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